The best way to do business on Facebook is using the fan page or Facebook pages, however, there are many people who have been successful using Facebook in their businesses.
We firmly believe that they are good innate sellers although they may be making mistakes, they have known how to use their Facebook profile to make relationships with other people, and that is the key to doing business.
6 Tips to Make Strong Facebook Profile for Business
1. Separate Your Personal Content from Business Content
If you want or are thinking of using your Facebook profile to do business, you must be clear that you are using it as a marketing tool and you must separate your private content. Remember that it is still your personal profile from your marketing message.
For this you must use the tabs that catalog your publications, photo albums and other content that you publish as public (accessible to everyone), for your friends (private content for family and friends) and only you (private, nobody else can see it ); remember that this option is next to the publish button with an arrow or below your photo albums.
2. Important Points of Your Facebook Profile
There are some areas of your profile that you should pay attention to, your cover photo should not be an advertisement, but a photo of your face or the entire body. But it must be of good quality and distinguish your face. The photo may contain a message if you want it but it should be more focused on the value you offer or highlight your profession.
It is important to show the face. If you do not have face photos for your Facebook cover, you can post a reflective message or highlight your profession or work.
SEE ALSO:: How to Restore Deleted Posts or Pics from Facebook?
Avoid advertising messages because it sounds like spam and not everyone knows how to handle them in a way that is not intimidating or abusive. If you are an expert in marketing, do not use advertising.
3. Correct Publications to do Business
Do not forget the importance of placing professional publications that can attract the attention of your friends or subscribers. Especially if you have a blog site or website, do not forget to share the links of your most recent and most prominent articles. But remember what we mentioned about advertising you. If you share information with added value, it will be much more appreciated in your Facebook profile than placing only advertising.
4. Friends
Logically if you want to use Facebook to do business you will have to make new friends, the best friendships are those you met in person and you know you have a good enough impression to be accepted on Facebook when you send the friend request. You can also send friend requests to people you didn’t know but there is a limit to them because Facebook will block your profile if you abuse sending more than 3 or 5 requests a day to strangers.
The maximum number of friends you can have in a Facebook profile is 5000, so you must be very selective when choosing them. Accepting requests from people who meet your consumer profile or who are influential people in your market. When you reach 5000 friends you should clean your list of acquaintances of people who do not offer any value for your business list.
5. Segment Your Friends’ List
As can be done in social media sites, Facebook allows you to create friend listings. With these lists of friends, you can send your publications segmented by language, a specific region, list of friends, relatives, and so on. But the key to this is to have the list of friends well segmented and to choose in advance for whom the publication is intended.
6. Wishes Happy Birthday
The best way to improve relationships with people you do not know very well is to wish them a happy birthday and send you a digital detail that will help you create an emotional connection.