Difference Between State Government Job and Central Government Job


A central government employee gets various benefits in terms of bonus, provident fund, medical facilities, gratuity, loan facilities and among others.

A state government employee is governed by different rules and regulations in terms of fixed pay scale by several departments.

State Government Job

In addition, there is a difference in the salaries of the State Government and Central Government employees. There is not much difference in the grade pay of the State Government and Central Government employees, the difference arises on the basis of the allowance they receive.

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State government employees get allowances less than central government employees, with some allowances being given to central government employees only.

There is no provision for those allowances for state government employees. Central government and state government employees have merit list. This process of selection is also a reason for the difference, meaning there are circumstances which distinguish this salary. Salary is also classified on the basis of posts. This distinction is also seen in promotions.

Central Government Job

This difference can be seen at various points:

1. Residential Allowance:

The housing allowance that is given to central government employees is about 30% or more, these allowances are dependent on developed or developing cities. The classification of cities is (A), (B), and (C). This determination is also in the states, the residential allowance given to the employees of the state government is only about 15%.

2. Health Allowance:

This type of variation also appears in the health allowance. State government employees get a lower percentage of health allowance as compared to central government employees is one reason.

3. Daily allowance:

Like both the above-mentioned allowances, the central government employees in the daily allowance are on a percentage basis more widely than the state government employees.

4. Tourist Allowance:

There is no provision for such allowance for the state government employees while the provision of family tourism allowance is fixed once a year to the central government employees.

This allowance is not only for the countryside but also for foreign tourism, according to the staff.

Apart from the above points, it sometimes happens that the Central Government employees get the benefits immediately when the allowances are announced by the Central Government, while for the State Government employees it takes a long time.

Sometimes employees have to resort to fierce demonstrations or agitation to get their rights. Things depend on the state governments. The states which have majority departments are volunteered.

They decide the salary of their subordinate employees on their own terms whereas Central government employees working in the same position get double or more salary.

Many such discrepancies in government service meet that wage differences visible for government employees in both classes. It is not only that the salary is fixed only on the government, but also if there is more than one charge, i.e. the post of additional charge then there is a salutary disparity. This situation affects both government employees.

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