Do You Know by Changing The Default Font of Google Docs, You Will Be Able to Read Faster?


Are you facing problem during reading any Google document? If yes then we have the possible solution which will eliminate the problem from root.

To facilitate a faster reading, Google has introduced a new font known as Lexend. It allows the users to read the content in a much convenient way. The new introduced font is embedded inside the Google slides and also users can download the same from the Google Fonts website. The font will get used in all the offline applications like MS-word.

Changing Google Docs Default Font to Lexend Font

The open font license of the font Lexend is available at Github and it is flexible to use and modify. The designer of the font Thomas Jackin and Bonnie Shaver has added all the needed files of the font and users are free to use the same.

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A detailed step is mentioned to add the Lexend font, and one should try it for sure in order to save time while reading any content of Google docs.

Process to Add Lexend Font:

  • Open new document file by clicking at the Google Docs.
  • Click at the font dropdown which is available at the toolbar
  • Choose more fonts
  • Make a search for Lexend and add it in the default list
  • Once added, then start using like all other available fonts
Select Changing Google Docs Default Font to Lexend Font

The development of the font is financed by Google. Through the analysis it has been seen that by using the mentioned fonts, people have increased their reading speed approximately by 20%. The font is much advantageous for the students and they can save their time as well.

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