History of Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia


Almost all of us must know about the worth of Wikipedia and whenever we find any content on Google then Wikipedia is the first assured reference. This is the most trusted website to get the exact and accurate information.

Here we will discuss about the history of Wikipedia. Do you know about it? If not, then browse the web page and get to know about the foundation of Wikipedia.

History of Wikipedia

The first edition was launched on 15th January 2001 and two persons were behind the concept. Jimmy Wales and Larry Sanger were the heroes who have worked on the amazing concept and enlightened the world with their new approach.

Prior to Wikipedia, the concept of encyclopedia was in use and I hope most of us know it. The concept of encyclopedia was given by Rick Gates in the year 1993.

We have done lots of research for Wikipedia and it came in the notice that the online platform is the 9th most popular website that has global internet engagement. Across the globe, its monthly readership is about 495 million. Further the website receives the fall of unique visitors and number is 117 million only from USA. If you search anything then try to get on Wikipedia because it is 100% reliable and trust worthy.