How to Build a Free Website for Your Business in No Time?


Websites are the most powerful tool of the digital world because it shows the presence of any business at search engines. Nowadays everything is online and whenever any demand comes, online search towards the same is started. If you are still doing your business offline, you are far behind from the competition. By having a website, you can increase your sales almost by 70-80%.

Here we are presenting some very basic steps in order to create a website in no time or quickly. There is no big investment required if you do it yourself. Through the website, your global clients would know more about you.

Busy Woman - How to Build a Free Website for Your Business in No Time

How Can We Create an Attractive Website?

Basically, there are two methods through which websites can be created. We will elaborate the both, and based on the interest users can select the way to build a website.

Method 1: Creating Website through Thirty Party Platforms

There are some platforms at which web pages can be created without having a domain name. Domain name is unique for each business and it reflects the identity of a business at search engines. In this method, you can get a sub domain at third party sites. Mostly people prefer to create blog pages using third party platforms.

Some of the Most Recognized Third Party Website Developing Platforms are Like:

1. Blogger –

Blogger - Free Third Party Website Developing Platform

2. Weebly –

Weebly - Free Third Party Website Developing Platform

3. Wix –

Wix - Free Third Party Website Developing Platform

Making a website using third party platforms is not recommended because the total control is of a third party vendor and if they shut down, the website will be closed forever.

Method 2: Creating Website through CMS

This is the most preferred through which majority of people create their website. Here you need to have your own domain name in order to create the website. The full ownership will be of yours unlike third party platforms. In order to have your own website, you should follow the below mentioned steps:

1. Domain Name Procurement

  • Decide a domain name and purchase the same from the service provider.
  • In order to procure the domain, you need to have an email address.
  • Add Billing method and physical address.
  • Now Add the domain name to the cart, and buy it by paying the required amount.

PS: The domain can be procured for any number of years like one year, two years etc… Once the period is expired, you need to renew the same by paying the renewal fees.

SEE ALSO:: Top 5 Cheap Domain and Hosting Provider Companies in USA

2. Setup the Required Material

Once the domain name is finalized, you need to have following stuffs read:

  • Logo of the Website
  • Content and Images
  • Contact Address Details
  • Official Email IDs

3. Select the Website Builder

In order to create the website, you need to select any website builder like

  • Wix: It creates websites for free.
  • Squarespace: This is recommended for Ecommerce website designing.
  • Weebly: Mostly used by mortar shop owners.
  • GoDaddy: Widely used for domain, server and website building.
  • Free development of websites. If you have knowledge of plugins, you can use additional features.

These website builders do not need knowledge of coding, you can create your website simply by drag and drop. All the collected material and now your website is ready to use.