Three dates are generally related to the webpages and we know you all are must be aware of the same. Initially, a webpage is launched on the internet, and then it gets indexed by the search engine and then cached.

Based on 3 Factors to Know When the Webpage is Published
- Date of Publication: The date at which the user has uploaded the webpage for the public by setting a global URL.
- Date of Indexing: The date at which the spider of any search engine Like, Google interacts with the published webpage.
- Date of Cached: Latest crawl of a webpage by the bot of search engine. It is done in order to know if the content of the website is changed or updated.
Steps to Check the Exact Date When Webpage is Published:
- At the very first step, open the search engine; let’s say and type the specific URL in the search box with “inurl:” (For Example – and press ‘enter’ button. Check Live on –
- In step 2, you will be required to visit the address bar. Firefox and Chrome users can do it by pressing ‘Ctrl+L’ while IE (Internet Explorer) users can do the same via ‘Alt+D’. Then after just put “&as_qdr=y15” at the end of Google search ULR. Check Live on –
- At step 3, you will get the result from the address bar, which shows the webpage again but this time, the date of publication will also get reflected on the screen. Hence through the activity, one can know about the age of the webpage.
Important to Know About Search Engine
Search engine like Google, It crawls the website at a regular interval in order to know the changes, and if the content is modified after the last crawl then the presented date may get changed because last crawled date is shown.
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Hence these are the steps through which one can know about the exact date of publishing of the webpage on the internet.