How to Kill Mosquitoes without Medicine?


Mosquitoes are the basic hurdle of one’s routine life. They used to bite people and create lots of disturbance. There are lots of diseases that may occur due to the biting of mosquitoes. The most dangerous diseases are like Dengue, Malaria, Zika etc…

Kill Mosquitoes without Medicine

Various ways are adopted to kill them but not everyone is comfortable to use medicines to kill as it affects the environment as well. Hence we are presenting the content which shall explain about the methods to kill mosquitoes without use of any medicine.

Ways to Kill Mosquitoes with Natural Remedies:

Neem & Lavender Oil: Neem is the natural remedy and it is mentioned by our ancestors as well. As per the studies and experiments, it is proven that Neem oil keeps the mosquitoes away and those who do not want to use medicines to kill the mosquitoes should use Neem oil and if you add oil of lavender then it will add on the power through which mosquitoes get killed.

Lemon & Cloves: If you want to keep the mosquitoes and flies away then this is the best remedy. Just cut the lemon and insert cloves inside of it. The trick is also shared by the Indian actor Akshay Kumar who has performed the same and got results.

How to Kill Mosquitoes without Medicine Tweet By Akshay Kumar

Hence if you are looking to get rid of mosquitoes without the use of medicine then just try the solution and you will definitely get results.