As the name reflects, landing page is a page where visitors land after clicking the link of a website. Designing of a landing page depends on the choice of owner, it can be a blog page, service page, home page or any page of the website. Wherever you want your client to come after clicking the link, will be the landing page of the page. In most cases, a page having inquiry is created as a landing page so that data of the user can be created.
During digital marketing practice, landing page becomes important because it drives traffic to the website and because of that ranking of the website is increased. Hence if you are looking to promote your website, the landing page must be there. Let’s know more about the concept of a landing page.
Important Elements of Landing Page:
A landing page should be created by keeping the client’s perspective in mind. The page should be engaging and able to deliver results through quality lead generation. Here we are mentioning some important elements of the landing page that will be helpful during the process of online promotions as well.
1. Above-The-Fold Content:
Online marketers take care of this special need in order to gain attention from the users. They make sure to describe the relevant content in the top 600 pixels. The content should be effective and eye-catchy.
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- The section shall have two parts in which the first one will be Main Headline and Next Supporting line.
- The headline is mostly read by the users and hence it should have power to create chaos amongst the public. An Ecommerce website generally shares their offers or discounts through the main headline.
- Supporting line, just carries the heading and explains it in little detail. Lots of people generally don’t read it much, just by seeing the headline they jump to the main page. Although it is not that much in vision, the content should be user friendly because it helps to boost the ranking of the website.
2. Show User’s Benefit:
The landing page must reflect the advantages of the products or services because it creates curiosity amongst users. If the public does get a sense of profit or advantage, they click it hardly. Hence one should make sure to have a summary of the user’s benefits.
3. CTA (Call to Action):
Now this is an integral part of any landing page, because through CTA, you can take users wherever you want. It is attached at the top of fold and after clicking at CTA, the user will be in the defined section.
Why Should You Have a Landing Page in Your Website?
- Increase traffic of users
- More leads and conversions
- Keep a track of targeted audiences
- Increased list of subscribers
- More brand value
- Increased visibility of the business and online website
In short, the landing page creates an interface in order to get maximum reach, impression from the end users.