How to Restore Deleted Posts or Pics from Facebook?


Everybody knows that Facebook is a very strong social media platform around the world. There are billions of people who use Facebook for a personal use or a business purpose. It is a platform where you can share pictures, videos, live streaming and much more. In Facebook, there are many functionalities available for their users but the users use just a few from them and also they are not aware of all the functionalities.

Now, can you believe that you can get back the post which is deleted? Yes, you can recover deleted posts or pics from Facebook restore facility.

Steps to Restore Deleted Posts from Facebook

Step 1: Go to

Step 1 Go to Facebook - Restore Facebook Deleted Post

Step 2: Login to Facebook with your id and password

Step 2 Login to Facebook - Restore Facebook Deleted Post

Step 3: After logged in go to the profile page and click on the “3 dots” button and select the activity log option.

Step 3 Go to the Profile Page and Select Activity Log - Restore Facebook Deleted Post

You can also open “activity log” from the option situated at the setting page or top bar menu.

Step 4: Now choose the “recycle bin” option from the activity log.

Step 4 Choose Recycle Bin - Restore Facebook Deleted Post

Step 5: Here you can see all the deleted posts.

Step 5 All the Deleted Posts Available - Restore Facebook Deleted Post

Step 6: Now move your mouse cursor on the particular post and click on the “3 dots” button.

Step 6 Click on 3 Dots Button - Restore Facebook Deleted Post

Step 7: Choose “restore to profile” option.

Step 7 Choose Restore to Profile Option - Restore Facebook Deleted Post

Step 8: After choosing the restore to profile option you will see the popup. Now click on the Restore button.

Step 8 Click on Restore Button - Restore Facebook Deleted Post

Step 9: Finally you can see your deleted post has been restored successfully on your profile.

Step 9 Post Restored Successfully - Restore Facebook Deleted Post

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Limitations of Restoring Deleted Posts from Facebook

  1. Facebook stores your deleted post for only 30 days, after you can’t recover it.
  2. Restored post goes at the perfect date and time when you had shared. So, it may be difficult to find.
  3. You can’t recover deleted posts with your own privacy.
  4. After restoring it is not easy to manage for all the users.