If you have interest to know about the world’s best scientists then below mentioned content will help you a lot. Scientists have made an effective contribution for the welfare of the living beings. The change era from 19th century to 20th century is the result of hard work of giants who have made things possible.
Initially there were lots of diseases whose cure was not possible but nowadays almost 90% of the diseases have vaccination. Scientists have performed in all the fields and below we are mentioning the best scientists in respect to their field of influence.
List of top 50 scientists of the world:
1. Alain Aspect: Quantum Theory
2. David Baltimore: Virology – HIV & Cancer
3. Allen Bard: Electrochemistry
4. Timothy Berners – Lee: Computer Science (WWW)
5. John Tyler Bonner: Evolutionary Biology
6. Dennis Bray: Molecular Biology
7. Sydney Brenner: Biology – Genetics
8. Pierre Chambon: Genetics & Cellular Biology
9. Simon Conway Morris: Evolutionary Paleobiology
10. Mildred Dresselhaus: Carbon Science
11.Gerald M. Edelman: Neuroscience
12. Ronald Evans: Molecular Genetics
13. Anthony Fauci: Immunology – HIV
14. Andrew Fire: Genetics – RNAi
15. Jean Fréchet: Biotechnology
16. Margaret Geller: Astronomy
17. Jane Goodall: Primatologist
18. Alan Guth: Inflationary Cosmology
19. Lene Vestergaard Hau: Quantum Physics
20. Stephen Hawking: Physics & Cosmology
21. Peter Higgs: Physics – Higgs Boson
22. Leroy Hood: Systems Biology
23. Eric Kandel: Neuroscience
24. Andrew Knoll: Paleontology
25. Charles Kao: Fiber Optics
26. Martin Karplus: Quantum Chemistry
27. Donald Knuth: Computer Programming
28. Robert Marks II: Computational Intelligence
29. Craig Mello: Molecular Medicine
30. Luc Montagnier: Immunology – HIV
31. Gordon Moore: Physicist – Intel Corp.
32. Kary Mullis: DNA Chemist
33. C. Nüsslein – Volhard: Developmental Biology
34. Seiji Ogawa: fMRI Technology
35. Jeremiah Ostriker: Astrophysics
36. Roger Penrose: Mathematics & Physics
37. Stanley Prusiner: Neurodegeneration
38. Henry F. Schaefer III: Quantum Chemistry
39. Thomas Südhof: Neurotransmission
40. Jack Szostak: Genetics
41. James Tour: Nanotechnology
42. Charles Townes: Quantum Electronics
43. Harold Varmus: Oncology
44. Craig Venter: Human Genetics
45. James Watson: Molecular Biology – DNA
46. Steven Weinberg: Theoretical Physics
47. George Whitesides: Chemistry – Spectroscopy
48. Edward Wilson: Biology – Myrmecology
49. Edward Witten: String Theory
50. Shinya Yamanaka: Stem Cell Research