iPhone Trick to Solve Freezing or Hanging Keypad While Using Emojis


The iPhone is one of the top brands in the cell phone market. Everybody knows that the iPhone is a product from Apple and uses the iOS operating system in it. But nowadays, a lot of people are facing a common problem which is the keypad stuck and mobile hang while sending emojis. It creates many issues while texting and chatting with someone on an important topic. But you can fix this problem as yourself in some easy steps. No need to go anywhere or any mobile repair store.

Steps to Solve iPhone Hanging Problem While Sending Emojis

Step: 1 Go to settings and select general option

Go to Settings - iPhone Hanging Solution

Step: 2 Select reset option

Select Reset Option - iPhone Hanging Solution

Step: 3 Tap on reset keyboard dictionary

Tap on Reset Keyboard Dictionary - iPhone Hanging Solution

Step: 4 Enter passcode which is used in your iPhone locking

Enter Passcode Which is Used in Your iPhone Locking - iPhone Hanging Solution

SEE ALSO:: How to Edit Any Middle Character of the Word in iPhone?

This trick will be useful to resolve your freezing problem while sending emojis. No need to format or reset a full phone, just need to reset the keyboard dictionary.