Why Indian Government Has Banned Porn Sites?


The Indian government is not willing to let more liberal interests halt the implementation of this measure and advanced to the resolution of the Supreme Court, which is still discussing this issue.

Why Indian Government Has Banned Porn Sites

The government of India has taken drastic measures to eliminate Internet pornography and, through its Telecommunications Department, has ordered Internet service providers to block access to 857 websites with adult and pornographic content.

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The measure is particularly controversial because the Supreme Court of this country is currently discussing the implementation of a similar measure, so the government’s order assumes that they are not willing to have this measure blocked by interests other than their own.

“An order like that cannot be approved in court. Someone can come and say: Look, I am over 18 years old and how can you come and stop me from seeing (the sites) within the four walls of my room”, said the Indian Chief of Justice during a hearing.

The measure has been discussed on social networks worldwide with the hashtag #PornBan and by celebrities on Twitter such as Bollywood filmmaker Ram Gopal Varma and author Chetan Bhagat.

All countries which legalized porn advanced for instance America, not because of Porn but indicative of giving respect to individual’s Liberty

– By Ram Gopal Varma August 3, 2015

Don’t ban porn. Ban men ogling, leering, brushing past, groping, molesting, abusing, humiliating and raping women. Ban non-consent. Not sex

– By Chetan Bhagat August 3, 2015

While the measure prevents users from entering the various prohibited sites in a normal way, the measure implemented only blocks URLs, so users in India can still enter sites using proxies or VPN clients.

Indian Government Has Banned Porn Sites

India has the largest number of Internet users in the world after China. In 2011, authorities urged several social media companies to remove some of their content and a year after dozens of Twitter accounts were deleted.

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The film industry has also not escaped strict regulations and many Bollywood and Hollywood films have seen their scenes and dialogues altered to fit the audience of a generally conservative country. Earlier this year, Bombay Police blocked hundreds of ‘Charlie Hebdo’ cartoons on the Internet.

Still, the demand for pornography in India is high. ‘Pornhub’ – One of the websites that are included in this list, placed last year in the 5th place of countries with more daily viewers to this type of portals.

The Supreme Court also rejected the idea of imposing a ban on these types of issues claiming that people should be free to choose to access these types of pages in the private sphere. However, the Indian government has made the decision after a letter that was subsequently sent by the Interior Ministry.

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