Top 4 Freedom Fighters of Russia: Russian Freedom Fighters


Russian History would have been incomplete if the following leaders were not a part of it:

1. Alexander Vasilyevich Kolchak KB

Alexander Vasilyevich Kolchak KB - Freedom Fighters of Russia

He was appointed as Imperial admiral of the Russian military and was considered to be the leader. He had also served in the Navy of Russia.

There, he fought with the Japanese army which was known as the Russo-Japanese War in World War 1. Also during the War going on in Russia, he formed a government in Siberia which was anti-communist.

After this war, he was considered as Supreme leader and Cheif commander in both military and navy areas. Due to his disagreement on Bolshevik leftists about the autonomy of making ethnic minorities.

Unfortunately, he was cheated by Czechoslovak Legion who had given him the local actions taken into consideration. Then, he was killed by Bolsheviks brutely which devasted and shattered the Russian public.

2. Timoshenko Semion

Timoshenko Semion - Freedom Fighters of Russia

(Konstantínovich Timoshenko, Furmanka, present-day Ukraine, 1895 – Moscow, 1970) Soviet military. He participated in the First World War there in the Russian civil war that continued to the Bolshevik revolution of 1917.

Before 1940, shortly after starting the war between the Soviet Union and Finland, he was appointed the commander of the Soviet troops who participated in the conflict. Finally, there is still much to do with the need for a long time, with all kinds of military divisions, progressively evolving into positions of the Soviet elite.

The success obtained in this war was worth being named Marshal of the Red Army and, in May of that same year, Commissioner of Defense. After the outbreak of World War II, he was one of the most prominent Soviet militaries and played a preeminent role in the defense system’s plans in the face of the invasion of the German army.

3. Alejandro Nevski

Alejandro Nevski - Freedom Fighters of Russia

(Alejandro Jaroslavich; Vladimir, Russia, 1220 – Gardens, 1263) Grand Prince of Novgorod and Vladimir, at the time when Russia was divided into major multiples sometimes in the hegemony of the Mongols.

Alejandro Nevski stood out in his youth for his military feats, as he defeated the Swedes in the battle of the Neva of 1240 (which earned him the nickname of Nevski) and the Germanic knights of the Teutonic Order of Livonia in the battle of Lake Peipus of 1242.

In 1252 he replaced his brother Andrew, dismissed as a grand prince, for having conspired against the Mongolian kan, whose sovereignty was somewhere the principal since 1238. Since then he deployed a policy of understanding with the Mongols, softening his domination.

Canonized by the Russian Orthodox Church after his death, Alexander Nevsky became a symbol of Russia’s national resistance against Germanic power in Eastern Europe; his memory has been honored both by the regime of the czars.

4. Vasili Konstantinovich Blucher

Vasili Konstantinovich Blucher - Freedom Fighters of Russia

Vasili Konstantinovich Blucher was in the Soviet military. He intervened in the civil war and 1921 was appointed Minister of War of the Republic of Siberia.

Commander-in-chief of the Soviet forces in the Far East, he was an advisor to Sun Zhongshan (Sun Yat-sen) and ascended to marshal in 1935. His mysterious disappearance during a Stalin purification has still been a popular talk.

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